This Saturday, my brother Aaron will graduate from high school! It seems crazy that we all are this old! Time defiantly fies! I want to share with you a letter that I wrote for Aaron. Sharing my thankfulness, appreciation, and love for him.
Dear Aaron,
Wow! It doesn’t seem like we should be THIS old! Time has flown by- huh?? I have such fond memories of our growing up years. The many hours spent sitting on the roost in the chicken coop, swinging on granddad’s swing, riding our bikes, and climbing those big pine trees. I don’t remember how many times I got sap in my hair!
It has been wonderful to see God develop our relationship from being playmates and siblings to being my closest friend in the world! Aaron, I am so proud of the person, young man and brother you’ve become! You are one of the best and godliest young men I know. I admit, I’m bias but still, I’m serious. It was awesome watching you grow and mature in your walk with God, especially, last summer on our mission trip. I watched you step outside your comfort zone and interact with the kids there at the camp. I loved seeing how they looked up to you and followed you everywhere you went. I’ll never forget the look in Austin’s eyes when he proudly showed me the track that you gave him. It was as if he was given the most precious gift. He excitedly told me of how he prayed with you to receive Jesus into his heart! I remember getting teary and my heart was so full and proud knowing that my brother invested in this little boy and gave him the knowledge of his Savior!
God has given you so many talents! You are such a great musician! It had been fun listening to you learn to play the bass and electric guitars. The house is too quiet without it! Another one is your talents in photography. God has given you an amazing gift of capturing His creation in film! Keep at it! I wish I had an eye for that kind of thing like you do! Also, you have a great talent in interacting with others. You have come out of your shell and become quite outgoing!
Another thing I appreciate about you is your character and integrity towards women. You are chivalrous, respectful and a gentleman toward women- and I appreciate that! Thank you for opening all my doors for me and being courteous. I love that! Thank you that you were always willing to stand up and protect me if there was a need to. Thank you for honoring and respecting Dawn and the guidelines you have set. You guys are such a great example of what a pure, godly romantic relationship should be. I am so glad I have one of the best young men I know as my brother. You are such a blessing! It’s hard to find a guy – even a Christian guy who has the respect, maturity, and integrity that you possess. I really hope my future husband will be a lot like you. If that’s the case, I’ll be really pleased!
As you begin a new part of your life, remember to keep God at the forefront of your life. And strive to honor and glorify Him in all that you do. I love you so much and I know that you will do well in life. Keep running the race that God has laid out for you. I’ll be right beside you, cheering you on. Thanks Aaron for the great growing up years we shared. I look forward to many more years as brother and sister. Remember, if there is anything I can do for you or if you need anything or just someone to talk with, I’ll always be here.
I can’t tell you how much I admire, respect and love you.
Thanks for being my brother. I am honored that God would allow me to be your sister.
I love you,
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