God has blessed my family with many neat friendships. A few years ago, we were able to meet and start a friendship with the guys from Sanctus Real. Whenever they are in the Arkansas area we try to go out and see their great show and to meet up and encourage the guys. Sanctus Real has a strong passion for marriages and families and appreciate the work of FamilyLife. It has been evident in their songwriting but in just talking to them and seeing what their priorities in life are. I am so thankful for these guys' desire to be men of God who lead their family in godliness and integrity. Which is becoming very uncommon these days. A few weeks back we were able to meet up with Sanctus in Texarkana, AR. During the show Matt played a new song called "Lead Me" I was blown away by the honesty and realness of the lyrics. I thought I'd share with you and hope you are encouraged by the song as I was. If you are a husband or father, may you lead your family and look to God to lead you. I am inspired to pray all the more that their would be more godly men in the world striving to pursue godliness and Christ- likeness and be leading or ready to lead their wives and families. It seems that these kind of men are truly diamonds in the rough! So here you go, enjoy the video! And if you ever get the chance to see Sanctus Real, you are in for a real treat! :)
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