As you have noticed my blog has gotten a "face-lift" :)One is the name change from "Beautiful Ending" to "The Great Adventure" My reason in changing the title is that "The Great Adventure" represents more of what describes my stage in life. God has really brought me to the point where I only want to live for Him. He is stretching and taking me out of my comfort zone- literally!! But I am finding that this calling is truly a GREAT ADVENTURE!! :)
One of these things that He has brought into my life is an amazing opportunity to become a volunteer at Amani Baby Cottage in Jinja, Uganda! If you know me or have been following my blog for a while you know that my heart is for orphans- especially in Uganda. I have wanted to serve at an orphanage for several years now-specifically in Africa. Well, God has answered my prayers in allowing me to follow the dream He has placed in my heart! I am so thankful for His faithfulness in preparing me and guiding me along this journey that He has called me on!
Amani Baby Cottage is a Christian orphanage that cares for more than 60 children ages/ newborn or birth to ages 6 years. These children have been orphaned due to the poverty, civil war, teen pregnancy, special need and the AIDS/HIV crisis.
I will be serving with my dear friend, Brittany Suitt. Britt and I went to youth group together and both have a heart for orphans and Africa! We will be leaving on Monday, June 7th, 2010 and coming back to the states on July 13th, 2010! So we will be in Africa a good 5 weeks!
I am so excited that God has called me to this adventure this summer!I am reminded that God in His Sovereignty doesn't need us to do anything for Him that He can't already do by Himself but He allows us to come along side Him, get our feet a little muddy and serve Him so we can see just how small we are compared to the greatness of Christ. God doesn't NEED me to care for orphans because He knows every one of them by name and knows every need they have- but in His goodness He has called me and is allowing me to be His hands and feet to the orphans in Uganda this summer.
This has been a dream of mine for several years and I am humbled that the Lord has answered my prayers and desires of my heart to serve Jesus in Africa. Honestly, I feel a little under qualified to do such a task, but in my weakness HE is strong- right??? :)
It hit me the other day- I am almost 18 years old (scary enough) and I am going to Africa….. by myself!!! AHHH!! I’ve had moments where I have gone… ‘What on earth am I thinking????’ But this is what God has called me to…. to follow Him into the world and leading (by His grace) the lost, broken, hurting, orphaned and fatherless into my Savior’s waiting arms. I count this a great privilege to serve my Lord.
So this is what's going on in my life right now. I'll write more about how God layed orphans, Africa and Amani on my heart later.
My blog will be a place to put updates and pictures of my journey to Uganda so keep checking back. Also, I'd encourage you to become a "Follower" of my blog. This will be an even better way to keep up with me! Also, if you are on Facebook, I have set up a group called: "MARIAH'S JOURNEY TO UGANDA" feel free to join there too so you can keep up to date with what I'm doing!
Thanks guys so so much for all your continued prayers and support of what God has called me to!
All for His Glory!!
1 comment:
Mariah ~ I'm so glad we ran into each other today, and I LOVE the new look of your blog! I'll be keeping up with you as you travel and can't wait to hear what God will be doing in your life!
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