The following poem was written by my beautiful and extremely talented sister Bethany! Enjoy! :)
"Beyond the Hustle and Bustle"
by Bethany Fowler
"When the turkey leftovers are eaten,
and everything 'Autumn' is put away,
the Christmas tree comes out,
and until after the 25th, it's here to stay.
We line up outside the stores,
at three a.m. no less,
to fight for that one gift
that everyone says is the best.
There's Santa Clauses in the malls,
Charity bell ringers too,
When we get the mail, there's a card saying,
"Merry Christmas, from me to you!"
The little gifts we buy,
the sweet cookies we bake,
the huge parties we host,
all to see who takes the cake!
Have we lost the real meaning of Christmas?
I should say so!
Now it's just about shopping, Rudolph,
and if we'll get any snow.
But the best gift ever given,
wasn't tied in bright colored string,
but rather swaddling clothes,
hardly fit for a king.
He's perfect, but humble.
Firm, but so kind.
And above His lowly birthplace,
a glittering star did shine.
So this Christmas, will you be caught up in the hustle and bustle?
Stand apart from the rest
and enjoy the glorious season-
knowing you are blessed."
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