“What’s your testimony?”
"Well, I was
raised in a Christian home. I’m a pastors and missionary kid, and so I kinda
always knew about God so when I was 4 years old, I asked Jesus to be my Savior….”
sounds like a generic, good Christian kid response right? I don’t have a glamorous
or dramatic testimony. I’m not a recovering drug addict or prostitute. I don’t
have horror stories from my childhood or a story about being on death’s
doorstep and pleading with God to save my life so I could serve Him.
No, mine
isn’t like that at all.
And I’m ok with
I was raised in a Christian home by loving, godly parents
who have been in full-time ministry pretty much since they got married over 27 years ago. I
grew up in the Christian bubble surrounded for the most part by believers. One
morning when I was four years old, I woke up with the clearest question in my
mind. “Have you made Jesus your Savior?” I believe the Holy Spirit was prodding
my heart with this question. I knew about Jesus but I had never surrendered my life to Him. So as
much as a four year old can understand about man’s depravity and Jesus’
sacrifice on the Cross- I saw my need for a Savior. I got down on my knees in the
hallway outside my room and gave my life to Jesus.
(Translation: "My testimony. I prayed to God. I said, God change my life God and make me free. That's my testimony." By Mariah Jane- age 4)

A lot has happened since that day…. Some really good things
and some others that weren’t so great. Yet,
through every season, I can see God’s love and goodness covering it all.
*He was faithful when I was faithless.
*He relentlessly pursued my heart when I was running away.
*He tenderly showed me mercy and grace by drawing me back to
Himself even after I had made a mess of my life.
*He disciplined me (which was painful to say the least) but
He used hurtful circumstances to sanctify and refine me.
*He has shown and proven His unending Love to be the only
thing that will truly satisfy my longing heart.
*He walked with me in the wilderness to prove to me that He
is enough and all that I will ever really need.
*He has been with me in the valleys and on the mountaintops.
He’s never left or gotten tired of me… (which is a miracle- let me tell you. J )
We are safe in the arms of Jesus.
Nothing can separate us.
We are forever
Forever redeemed.
Forever loved.
Forever set free.
Forever to lift high
the Name of Jesus who has conquered our sin and shame and made our dead hearts
beat and come alive.
This is my JESUS!
In the end, it’s not about how glamorous or dramatic our testimonies are. All our stories are miracles.
We were once dead in our sin. Enemies of a holy
God.We hated God and wanted nothing to do with Him.Yet, even in our filth and sin God loved us. He sent His very own Son to die the death we deserved so
that we may have eternal life with Christ.We weren't just saved to be poppers in the Kingdom of God
but we have been adopted as sons and daughters of God.
We bear His Name.
We share in His inheritance.
We are His beloved children.
Once enemies of God turned beloved children!
And if this isn't a miracle what is??
And more than that, His Holy Spirit- His continual presence
dwells inside of us!
We were alienated from God because of our evil hearts and
now our hearts are the very dwelling place for the most Holy One!
We are sealed for eternity with Him and nothing can stop His
love toward us.
"No in all these things we are more than conquers through Him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation will be able to separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
-Romans 8:37-39
So take heart, you are a miracle.
Your story is a miracle.
Believe the Gospel.
It changes
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