A few weeks ago,I watched a special on TLC on Purity Balls.Purity balls can vary in many particulars, but fathers who attend typically pledge to protect their young daughters' purity in mind, body and soul. Daughters promise to remain virgins until marriage. A stronger father-daughter relationship is promoted as a means to affirm spiritual and physical purity.
It is so important to have strong father/daughter relationships. Even from the time I was very little I wanted to do everything with my dad. Even if was to go check our cows in the pasture in New Mexico or go grocery shopping with him, I wanted to go.Still today, I love spending time with him. One of my favorites is setting down and watching a game of football with him.
I believe that fathers should be actively involved with his daughters life from the time their are little. Fathers have the opportunity to show exactly how a young man should treat her and respect her. They also have the opportunity to model how the husband is the godly leader of the home.
My dad has guided me through my teenage years by telling me I'm beautiful even when I felt I wasn't, protected me by giving me the "guys" point of view on certain clothes. When ever I buy clothes, I can never be totally comfortable with it until I know I have my dad's approval.
C.J. Mahaney has a great sermon on modesty, that is very good. I encourage you all to listen to it. Here is a quote from the message.
"When you see a young woman dressing immodestly, that is a father who has failed."
Even from the time they(girls) are young they are needing love, attention admiration from a male. It is so important that girls get that love from their father or they will going to look for that love elsewhere, mainly in their relationships with young men.
A daughter who attended a Purity Ball said this:
"As all the dads stood to read the covenant over their daughters, I felt the power of those words sink right into my heart. My father promised to lead a life of integrity and purity for me. He signed his name and I signed as a witness to his words. And as he escorted me to the dance floor I felt empowered by his promise to war for my heart through his life of purity, and I knew my life would never be the same again..."
Here are some great books suggestions for fathers and daughters"
"Interviewing Your Daughters Dates" by Dennis Rainey.
"The Princess Kiss" by Jennie Bishop

1 comment:
We have both of those books and appreciate them so much! What a great post! We have a father daughter banquet at our church if you guys would like to come! It is a very special evening!
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