
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Are We Going to Risk It All?

Are we going to die in our religion or are we doing to die in our devotion to our God? Are we going to be spent for our King Jesus and for the glory that is do His Name? Are we going to spend ourselves on behalf of the millions that do not know the Name of Jesus and the glorious Gospel?

Are we willing to risk it all for our Jesus?

I am asking these questions to myself just as much (if not more) than I am to you. Are you and I willing to get outside of our comfort zones, out of our comfortable American churches and Western Christian culture and are we willing to GO and bring forth the Gospel to those who are dying never even knowing the Good News of Jesus Christ?

This is not just a week long mission trip in the summer where we get all pumped up for Jesus and then the next week we are the same as before… comfortable and lukewarm. No, this calling is to be radically abandoned to the King of Kings-to be willing to go to the darkest, most hellish, filthiest place and bring Jesus to them.

This calls for radical abandonment to Jesus. Because on our own we don’t want to go, we don’t want to be radical. We want to live comfortably, to be safe, to be secure, and to only believe to more ‘comfortable parts’ of the Bible rather than ALL of it. But what Christ calls us to is an exchanged life.

A life fully given to the King of Kings. We are no longer in control. We do not have say what God does with us we are His for His will to be accomplished in and through us.
We must not stay in comfortable suburbia of America. We must stop ignoring the needs and people around us who are hungry for the hope that lives within us. We cannot remain where we are as Christians in America. There is a dying world out there. Hundreds of thousands of people die each day destined for a Christ-less eternity in hell.

Do we care? Are we moved? Are we compelled?
Does it bother us that thousands of babies in the womb are being aborted? That 11 and 12 year old girls are being trafficked and bought each night in our cities for sex? That there are indigenous tribes all around the world who have never heard the name Jesus. That there are millions of children who are dying from hunger-related issues. Thousands from AIDS. Thousands from treatable sickness. That there are 163,000,000 orphans who have no advocate. That there are thousands of children in the United States Foster Care System who can be adopted for little to no cost.

We are the Church. Jesus has called us to be HIS HANDS and FEET to this World. I know that Jesus grieves over the babies that are being aborted, the girls who are sex-trafficked, those dying of starvation, AIDS and sickness, the orphans and foster care children, the homeless and widow.


Jesus has commanded us to go to them. Rescue them and bring them to Jesus. We cannot stay where we are. We must act. We must go. We cannot stay safe and comfortable. Finding our joy and pleasure in things that will not last. We cannot be caught up in football or video games, or shopping when there is a dying world out there.
We must first be on our knees. We must have the anguish, agony and pain that God experiences for these people. Then we must go. Go because God has commissioned us to go. Not out of humanitarian compassion but because the Almighty, all-powerful God has called us to represent Him. Because God is worthy to receive the glory and praise out of these lives.

We must risk it all. Risk our reputations, our finances, our lives, our time, our energy, we must risk everything for the sake of our King.

We need more Hudson Taylors, Jim and Elisabeth Elliots, Amy Carmichaels, C.T. Studds, Gladys Alwards, George Muellers. These great men and women were not humanitarians who changed the world. They were commissioned by God to go to the least for the glory of God and because of this they made a lasting impact for the world.

The world today has enough humanitarians. What we need are more Christians who are truly Christians in this world. Who are moved by God to go for the sake of the glory that is due Christ’s Name-who is willing to shed blood and die for the sake of the Gospel and those who have never heard it.

Are we willing to risk it all?

1 comment:

Sarah Holman said...

Wow! wonderful post. I have been thinking a lot about this lately.