
Friday, November 5, 2010

My Books List.... any Suggestions???

So I put together a book list of books that I have not read before or need to reread. So here's my list....

1.)Forgotten God- Francis Chan (currently reading)
2.)Pursuit of Holiness- Jerry Bridges
3.)Knowing God- J.I. Packer
4.)My Utmost for His Highest- Oswald Chambers
5.)Beautiful Girlhood- Karen Andreola
6.)Disciplines of the Beautiful Woman- Anne Ortlund
7.)A Quiet Place to Rest- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
8.)Shadow of the Almighty- Elizabeth Elliot
9.)Case for Faith- Lee Strobel
10.)Choosing Forgiveness- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
11.)The Practice of Godliness- Jerry Bridges
12.)Amazing Love- Corrie Ten Boom
13.)Tortured For Christ- Richard Wurmbrand
14.)The Autobiography of George Mueller
15.)David Livingstone- biography
16.)Jim Elliot-biography
17.)Sister Freaks-Rebecca St. James (completed!)
18.)Nate Saint- Janet and Geoff Benge
19.)Not My Will-Francena H. Arnold
20.)Generation Ester-Lisa Ryan
21.)These Are My People- Mildred Howard
22.)Lies Young Women Believe- Dannah Gresh/Nancy Leigh DeMoss
23.)How To Get The Most from God's Word- John McArthur
24.)Our Sufficiency In Christ- John McArthur
25.)The Knowledge of the Holy- A.W. Tozer
26.)No Compromise- Melody Green
27.)Radical- David Platt (currently reading)
28.)Don't Waste Your Life- John Piper
29.)Humility- C.J. MaHaney
30.)Wrestling Prayer- Eric and Leslie Ludy
31.)When I Don't Desire God- John Piper
32.)Respectable Sins- Jerry Bridges
33.)Choosing Gratitude- Nancy Leigh DeMoss
34.)Seeking and Savoring Jesus Christ- John Piper
35.)For Young Women Only- Feldhahn/Rice
36.)Mere Christianity- C.S. Lewis
37.)The Great Divorce-C.S. Lewis
38.)Scottish Chiefs- Jane Porter
39.)Evangelism and The Sovereignty of God- J.I. Packer
40.)Passion and Purity- Elizabeth Elliot

I know this will take me forever to read all of them but eventually I'll finish!
Any suggestions of books I should add to the list??


Offset said...

that is a spectacular list!

I would recommend The Prodigal God by Keller if you haven't read it yet.
And then a small book called The Life of God in the Soul of Man by Scougal - this is an incredible, old book.

Good luck with your list!

Dawn said...

Forgotten God is very good. And I read Disciplines of a Beautiful Woman when I was your age. It was on the table of a family I babysat for weekly. It was SO GOOD!!

Natalie said...

Oh wow! You're covering a lot! Um... "Crazy Love" by Francis Chan, "Dug Down Deep" by Joshua Harris, and "Scandalous," by D.A. Carson are excellent!

P.S. Found your blog while blog hoping and have enjoyed reading through the posts! Blessings!